dog bone chew toy

Dog bone chew toy

Does your dog have a hobby of chewing? I bet the answer is “yes”! Chewing is considered a natural hobby for most dogs. What kind of chew does your dog like? A bone? I think it’s a great choice. However, this raw food is not always ready and good for your dog. What about a dog bone chew toy?

dog bone chew toy


Dog bone chew toy

Dog bone chew toy or to be more precise, a dog toy in the shape of a bone. They are becoming very popular nowadays because of their convenience and durability. They can be manufactured from a variety of materials to satisfy a dog’s chewing needs, such as plastic, sawdust, or natural wood. We can find many types when we search this key word on Amazon. These chew toys are convenient, clean, will not smell when chewing. 

dog bone chew toy

Natural chews toy -safer solutions for dog chew

However, there are still some concerns for the dog’s health from these chemically-based toys that dog owners tend to seek more natural solutions. Some natural dog bone chew toys that we can find are coffee wood chew or olive wood chew. They are hardwood with natural aroma will attract your dogs for a long time of chewing. `

Coffee wood chew 

Coffee wood chew is 100% natural wood chew toy for dogs from Vietnam. They have high level of hardness and durability. Coffee wood chew with natural aroma will bring your dogs the most exciting chewing time! This product contains 0% of caffeine, artificial ingredients, or sugar; then it is totally safe for puppies or dogs with weight issues. This dog bone chew toy is available in different sizes at TH Global Vietnam for all customer’s demands.

dog toy coffee wood chew

Please contact us for a free consultation. Our hotline: +84-382-803-290 or email: [email protected] 

Olive wood chew

Similar to coffee wood chew, olive wood chew also conquers dogs with its attractive hardness and wonderful scent. Olive wood dog chews are free of any artificial ingredients, preservatives or flavourings. They also contribute to dental hygiene as it stimulates salivation and promotes the removal of dental plaque through mechanical action. Natural olive wood chews serve to channel the chewing instinct by carrying out a calming action in dogs. 

dog bone chew toy

In conclusion

There are different types of dog bone chew toy on the today market. It’s necessary to find a reliable supplier who supplies high-quality products at good price. TH Global Vietnam is one of the leading manufacturer and wholesaler of pet products from Vietnam. Our products have gained a large confimation from customer’s worldwide thanks to reorders. We export to many market such as North America, Europe, Asia, etc. Please contact us for a free consultation.

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