A question that is also interested by many dog’s owners is “Should I let my dogs eat scraps?”. In fact, there have been many times when you have sat at the dining table andabout to finish your meal or with some leftovers on your plate, you look down beside you and what do you see? Your doggy friends staring longingly up at you with a cuter-than-cute expression. Who can resist those puppy dog eyes!? Many owners at this point give into temptation and end up feeding their pups the remainder of their meal. But is it actually safe to feed them food designed for human consumption? And are there any ingredients that we really need to avoid giving to our pets?
Should I let my dogs eat scraps?
Should I let my dogs eat scraps? According to the Guidelines from European Pet Food Industry Federation (FEDIAF), we should “avoid human scraps or treats. Many owners want to ‘treat’ their pet and commercial pet treats are the sensible option. Human scraps or treats are inappropriate for pets as they can be too high in fat, salt, sugar and energy content or may contain ingredients that are toxic to pets. Some human foods can also be toxic to pets”. With the same point of view, Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity says: “t is best to avoid feeding table scraps as treats since many human foods can cause digestive upsets, contribute to obesity and unbalance your dog’s diet.’’
By feeding our dogs with scraps, we also run the risk of feeding them food that’s dangerous to dogs. Some foods could lead to digestive issues or even be fatal for them, including:
Grapes and raisins
Onions and garlic
Macadamia nuts
Food containing the artificial sweetener xylitol
Are any leftovers safe?
Should I let my dogs eat scraps? There are still have some exeptions. While Dogs Trust says it’s best to avoid table scraps, other sources say that feeding your dog leftovers is fine – so long as they are healthy foods and you don’t make a regular habit of it. Dog owners need to avoid the foods listed above, as well as unhealthy foods, such as fried dishes or packaged foods. Some fresh foods such as meat, vegetables and fruit are the best, particularly in their natural state or very lightly cooked. And you still need to be careful of certain ingredients that may seem healthy – for instance, a tomato that’s slightly green could be toxic to your dogs. You just need to be totally sure the scrap you’re giving them is safe. If you’re interested in feeding your dog a diet comprising all fresh ingredients, it’s perfect to follow recipes by a veterinary nutritionist. It’s also a good idea to seek advice from your vet.
Should I let my dogs eat scraps? It is better to avoid treating your dogs leftovers since it can lead to some serious problems to their health. Human food may contant high level of fat, salt, sugar, or some toxic ingredients to dog’s health. Some fresh food and vegetables are good but you should consult a nutritionist or veterinarian for a suitable and moderate diet for your furry friend. Alongside with food, there are some chewing products are also suggested for your dogs.
Chewing brings outstanding benefits for dog’s dental and mental health. Here we have some chewing products that can simulate your dogs everyday such as 100% vegan coffee wood chew, coffee wood tug. These products are 100% natural without caffeine, sugar, or any harmful ingredients will bring your dogs the most excited entertainment time! Please kindly contact us for further information. Hotline: +84-382-803-290 (WhatsApp)/Email: [email protected]