what makes a dog an aggresive chewer?

What makes a dog an aggressive chewer?

The two types of chewers

Have you ever come home and realized that you’re missing a shoe? I bet this is no longer an unfamiliar problem of dog owners. We love dogs but sometimes they chew on wrong things that make it become a destruction. Regarding to the chewing habit in dogs,there are two types of chewers; the aggressive chewers and non-aggressive ones. An aggressive chewer will chew on things enthusiastically include our shoes or household’s objectives.  On the other hand, non-aggressive chewers tend to chew gently. What makes a dog an aggressive chewer? Let’s find out through the article below. 

what makes a dog an aggresive chewer?

Chewing is a natural features in dogs 

Whether they are aggressive chewers or non-aggressive chewers, we cannot deny that chewing in dogs is a natural feature.Since the time when our dogs are puppies, they already have an interest in chewing on objects. Puppies are like children when like to explore the world outside that they’ve never seen in their mom’s bellies. Puppies directly explore the world through their mouth. Chewing also helps them reduce the uncomfortable feeling or pain during their teething period.



Problems when our dogs chew more regularly

However, it is quite a problem when our dogs chew more regularly. Our lives are sometimes disturbed by the frequent chewing habits of these furry friends. I bet you at least once feel frustrated when have to spend much time rearranging your belongings or searching for missing shoes. And even worse, if they get damaged and can’t be used anymore. What makes a dog an aggressive chewer? In addition to the natural characteristic, boredom is also a reason for our dogs become more aggressive to chew on things.  Dogs when leaving alone often chew on objects to reduce stress and anxiety. It is understandable when we find out entertainments when alone. Some dogs with psychological trauma also tend to chew more for relief. 

what makes a dog an aggresive chewer?

What should I do when my dog is an aggressive chewer?

Instead of separating the dog from its habits that can have the opposite consequences, several solutions are offered.  The idea is to give your dog the opportunity to do what comes naturally without having destructions of your personal items. We can rearrange the items and place them in somewhere our dogs can’t reach. Keep scented objects out of reach of the dogs.  For aggresive chewers, it is better to give them suitable chew toys. The chew toys should be durable and hard enough for a long time of chewing.  Some chew toys that we can get references are Coffee wood chew, Olive wood chew, or rawhides chews, etc. 


TH Global Vietnam – The manufacturer and wholesaler of coffee wood chew 

By going through the article, we now can answer the question of “what makes a dog an aggressive chewer?” and find out solutions for your aggressive chewers. Here we have high-quality coffee wood chew for aggressiver chewers at best wholesale price. Our coffee wood chew is from hardest coffee trees in Vietnam that ensure the durability during chew. Please do not hesitate to contact us to choose the right size of coffee wood chew to your dog. In addition to coffee wood chew, TH Global Vietnam also supply other types of dog chew toys for different dog’s chewing habit. Please contact us by our hotline: +84-382-803-290 or email [email protected] for further information.

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